Rapid Reports

We accept rapid reports and watching briefs on epidemics, and publish these within 3 months.

About the Journal

From May 30 2024 we are migrating from Ubiquity Press to PKP as the hosting service. We will not be accepting submissions until the migration is complete, anticipated to be mid-July 2024. Thank you for your patience.

The journal Global Biosecurity is a peer-reviewed, open access electronic journal for cross-disciplinary research in all aspects of human or animal epidemics, pandemics, biosecurity, bioterrorism and CBRN, including prevention, governance, detection, mitigation and response. We publish work on risk analysis, outbreak investigation, epidemiology, modelling, bioinformatics, phylogenetics, surveillance, intelligence, strategic foresight, forecasting, ‘One Health’, policy, governance, law, law enforcement, defense, ethics and first responder preparedness. We have a focus on rapid reports of epidemics of concern.The journal is indexed in CrossRefJISC KB+SHERPA RoMEODirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scopus and Google Scholar

We encourage submissions of original research which is high quality, applied and strategic in all areas listed above. Original research articles undergo blinded peer review and will be published within 6 months of submission if accepted. We also publish editorials, perspectives from the field, CBRN news and have two options for rapid publication. We are committed to providing rapid publication of global epidemics of concern, and encourage field epidemiologists, first responders, trainees in Field Epidemiology Training Programs, and public health officers to submit rapid reports or watching briefs to disseminate critical epidemic information rapidly. Rapid reports may be written as traditional analytical outbreak investigations, whereas watching briefs provide a descriptive overview and critical analysis of outbreaks, structured within a standard template, and will function as a resource for responders in the field. Our Watching Briefs are a new concept and aim to harness global minds, open to anyone who wishes to analyse an outbreak, whether or not they are directly responding, including field epidemiology trainees. We provide an option to request open source outbreak data from our open source observatory, EPIWATCH. The EPIWATCH website provides 30 days of data that can be analysed, as well as analytic tools. Rapid reports and watching briefs in most cases will be published within 4-8 weeks.

The journal is researcher-led, not-for-profit, published by UNSW Sydney, a leading global university, and hosted by The Public Knowledge Project. The intended readership is any first responder, policy maker, researcher or stakeholder involved in preparedness or response for epidemics, pandemics, biosecurity or bioterrorism. The expertise of our editorial team reflects the cross-disciplinary scope of the journal. The journal will publish continously, with full issues archived retrospectively.  The journal is open access, online only, with no fees for readers or authors, reflecting our policy of equity of access for readers and researchers alike.

The journal was established in 2018.

ISSN  2652-0036

Current Issue

Vol. 6 (2024)
Published: 2024-01-05

Research Articles


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